Monday, January 16, 2012

What's Your Dream for America?

     Greetings, All -- Martin Luther King Day inevitably brings to our minds the indefinable magnificence of Dr. King's "I have a dream. . ." oration at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th, 1963.  A typescript is available on The King Center site.  (

     The thought that came to my mind was to juxtapose the King thesis with the Declaration of Independence.  It was enjoyable to go to National Archives web site and call up the image of the "Dunlap Broadside," the first printed copy of the newly-signed Declaration.  It was distributed throughout the United States of America aborning.  (

     The thundering assertion "that all men are created equal" leaves nothing to the imagination, does it?  Nor, we believe, can it in any way be improved by or embellished by the mind and hand of mankind.

     Freedom passes through the doorways of Ministries and into the minds of Rulers most grudgingly, even less than grudgingly.  Final surrender may come in the presence of deep fear that those whom they seem to govern will withdraw their consent.  It may come only in revolt against human principalities and powers.  (

     Dr. King's thesis, by now well known to all, follows directly from the words adopted at their birth by the Thirteen United States.  It goes beyond the sacred precincts of political freedom and knocks on the door of Economic Equality.  This MLK Day 2012, it is our dream that the little children of Dr. King's vision who, more and more, play together and learn together, will together share the best of America's nutrition, health services, education and quality of family life.  Such benefits may partly be given, partly facilitated, partly earned.  We must not rest as a nation until, by tried and true means, all American youth, all of them, realize their full potential.  That is our dream this Day of Remembrance and Action.

     Best wishes, Billy Hawkfinder


  1. Very nice. I think if we all shared the same wish it could be done in less than a generation.

  2. Thank you. We are growing into it. Many were the converts in the WW-2 generation and their children. There remain centers in which minds ae completely closed despite the fact that their religious creeds, for example, argue otherwise. Perhaps we shall overcome after all.

    Regards, Billy
